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Artist Statement
An exploration into one’s unique constellation of circumstance that forms one’s present life situation, that forms one’s present psyche.
The paintings in this new body of work speak of the human condition that co-exist and resonate within the consciousness and experience of humanity. Each painting is a visual representation that reveals a human experience, a stanza in the song of life. Each work symbolizes an important, integral component in this song evoking the quintessential qualities of humanity. The attributes, the righteous, the cavalier, the captiousness all define our humanity, our psychological being. Each of these propels each of us through each hour, each day, each lifetime. Though the experience is unique in origin, unique in realization, it can be identified with the pathos of our existence.
Within the works, ardent interpretations strive to elicit an understanding of what it means to be human: deep introspection juxtaposed to suggestions of incipient enlightenment co-exist. The exploration into our inner and outer world, the intriguing implications, the attempts at balance and harmony, together, derive the mystery of being.
The implosive acrylic-on-canvas works are more inwardly seeking as evinced by the searching quality of the painterly line. These co-exist with the more explosive enamel-on-canvas works that denote a more outward force: wilful, more fluid, exacting its presence. Amid a torrent of colour, these two very different approaches struggle alongside one another, conveying the state of mind that befalls all of humanity. That is, the eventuating discourse represents the convergence of experience that must be recognized, sustained, assimilated in being sensate, in being human. These are the fodder of what we become.
These enamel on plexiglass works address the aspect its facileness – of the behavioural sociology of mankind in contemporary society. They speak of the intellectualization component that relates to the intuitiveness component of our being as we, emotional beings, outwardly present to society. It is the social stance that develops from the interrelation between the two.
All of humanity possesses pursuits and quests more same than different. The force, the compulsion, the dynamism that articulate our existence, that necessitate our response, that coerce the constellation of circumstance – mine and yours – are shaped also by the equilibrium encountered in the quiet. Combining these two varying energies together in one work impel upon the canvas surface a potency that is not unlike the vigorousness of life’s trials and tribulations. Strong, and surely unruly, is its presence.
By exploring my personal portals of perception, it is the aim of this exhibit to pique the wonderment of the viewer to relate to the ‘collective consciousness’ of humanity. My artistic endeavour here is to render the ineffable an accessibility to explore the spiritual, the sensate, the stirring, the mystery.Each one of us, as an autumn leaf just fallen, swirls and twirls to the strongest of wind, tosses and turns to the slightest of breeze, then, skips and turns to the echo of walking feet. Finally, comes to rest in a pile among others. From different directions, touched by different trajectories of life. All are quite the same now. All have danced to the song of life.